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“Broken Promises, Broken Trust: Ogun State Government’s Housing and Education Scandals



by Tobi Adeyemi

For any government to be successful or rated high, there must be Leadership trust.

Leadership Trust is the confidence and faith that followers, stakeholders, and citizens have in their leadership or government. To achieve this bedrock of good governance, any responsible government is expected to act with integrity, honesty, and fairness.

Thus, leadership trust is built on several factors, including, transparency, accountability, reliability, competence, empathy and integrity among others.

It is the belief that the leader will make decisions that benefit the greater good of the people, rather than personal interests.

At present, the leadership trust of the Ogun State Government under Prince Dapo Abiodun and the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC is in question due to the allegations of scams, propaganda, and unfulfilled promises which are fast eroding public’s confidence in the administration.

Within a spate of 2 weeks, the administration of Governor Dapo Abiodun in Ogun State is facing a severe test of leadership trust, as two separate scandals rock the government.

While over 200 applicants of the Prince Court Housing Scheme are crying foul, alleging payment without allocation after two years, indigent students accused the government of scam and propaganda regarding educational cash awards.

In a shocking tale of alleged government malfeasance, over 200 qualified applicants from Prince Court Estate, Kobape, Ogun State, are demanding answers and justice from the administration of Governor Dapo Abiodun.

Two years after making payments for housing units, the applicants claimed they have been deprived of their rightful homes, with no tangible explanation from the government.

The applicants, who were promised affordable housing under the state government’s housing scheme, alleged that they have been victims of a scam perpetrated by the very entity meant to protect their interests. They claimed that despite fulfilling their obligations, including making full payments, they have been left in limbo, with no houses in sight.

Though the ministry for housing in Ogun state blamed the late allocation on inflation and the soaring cost of materials, the applicants rejected the offer to be refunded or add any additional money. They claimed they have paid since the year 2021 and the delay in allocation was the fault of government which has reneged on its agreement. In fact, the government must not try to increase or ask the applicants to pay additional money as it is being speculated.

The situation has sparked outrage and frustration among the affected individuals, who are now calling on the government to allocate their houses as promised. They argue that the government’s failure to deliver on its promises has not only caused them financial hardship but also undermined their trust in the system.

As if that was not enough and in a disturbing expose, indigent students in Ogun State also came forward with allegations of a scam and propaganda by the government of Dapo Abiodun. The students, who were promised educational cash awards, claimed they have not received the funds, despite meeting the necessary requirements.

Some students of Ogun State origin in tertiary institutions reportedly complained about non-receipt of the Educash award promised by the state government to cushion the current economic crisis.

According to them the award, tagged: “Educational Cash Award for Student Help,” is an intervention programme for students in all public primary and secondary schools, as well as public and private tertiary institutions across Nigeria to cushion the effects of the current economic challenges on their studies and their parents.

While the gesture was announced by Governor Dapo Abiodun as part of the state’s palliative measures, each student of Ogun State origin is entitled to N50,000 cash from the state government.

But some students of the state origin, especially in Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State, said they have not received the money.

The students claimed only a few of them have received the N50,000 cash award.

Similarly, some students of the University of Ibadan (UI) and Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye, said they had not received the money. They also claimed that few of them have received the money.

The students, alleged that the government has been touting the success of the education initiative, while in reality, many students have been left behind. They claimed that the government’s propaganda machine has been churning out false numbers and stories, creating a false narrative of a successful program.

The allegations have not only sparked outrage, but have created mistrust and image crisis for the government of Ogun State, with calls for investigation into the matter. The students are demanding transparency and accountability from the government, insisting that they be given the support they were promised.

To restore leadership trust, the government of Dapo Abiodun must take swift and decisive action to investigate and address the allegations thoroughly, provide clear and transparent communication about the issues, take responsibility for any wrongdoing and hold accountable those responsible, implement reforms to prevent similar incidents in the future and demonstrate a commitment to the welfare and well-being of the citizens of Ogun State. I hope at this time, the Governor would critically assess the situation and profer solutions and not resort to attacking the messenger as always exhibited by psychopants and political jobbers frolicking around him to eke out a living.

Only by taking these steps can the government begin to rebuild the trust that has been lost and demonstrate its commitment to leadership that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the people.

However, as the controversy continues to unfold, questions are being raised about government’s commitment to education and its handling of public funds. The students’ plight has also raised concerns about the future of education in Ogun State, and the impact of government propaganda on the lives of vulnerable citizens.

The government’s response to the allegations will be crucial in determining the fate of the students and the credibility of the administration. Will the government come clean and acknowledge the scam, or will it continue to perpetuate propaganda and leave the students in the lurch? Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, the housing applicants are demanding a thorough investigation into the matter and for the government to take immediate action to address their plight.

The housing scheme scandal raises questions about transparency and accountability in the management of public funds, while the education scandal alleges propaganda and deception. The affected individuals are demanding justice and answers, putting the government’s credibility to test.

The double scandal is fueling concerns about the government’s commitment to the welfare of its citizens. As the controversies escalate, the government’s response will be crucial in restoring trust and upholding its mandate to serve the people.

Will the government take responsibility, investigate, and rectify the situations, or will it perpetuate denial and propaganda, further eroding public trust? The fate of the affected individuals and the legacy of the administration hang in the balance.

The allocation of houses to the rightful owners is not only a matter of justice but also a test of the government’s willingness to listen to the people and act in their best interests. As the affected individuals continue to wait for their homes, the world watches with bated breath, hoping that the government will do the right thing and restore their trust in the system.

Tobi Adeyemi writes in from Odomore, Itele, Ogun State.

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