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Olobu @50: Oba Ashiru leads walk to fit in Ilobu, as residents benefit from medical outreach



As part of the 50th anniversary coronation ceremony of Oba Ashiru Olatoye Olaniyan, the Olobu of Ilobu, no fewer than 1,500 residents of Ilobu and its environs benefitted from the medical outreach in Ilobu.

The event which took place on Tuesday, May 2024 at the Palace of the Olobu in Ilobu, Irepodun local government area of Osun state, was part of the numerous activities to mark the golden jubilee of the monarch on the throne.

While addressing the people at the event expressed appreciation to Almighty Allah for sparing his life to witness the celebration, calling on the residents to prioritize their health, Oba Olaniyan recalled how he was once a patient medicine dealer in Ikirun.

According to the monarch; “ I am grateful to God to be alive to do this. Today is not the beginning as we have started this journey back in the 1960’s even in Ilobu here. I want to encourage everyone of us to prioritize our health and listen to the medical practitioners.”

,,, A son of the monarch, Prince Rasaki Kolade Olaniyan, who spoke on behalf of his siblings that organised the medical outreach, thank Allah for what they were able to achieve.

He said, “This is not just any anniversary but the 50th one so we the children deem it fit to make the king happy and this event is one that will make him happy as we all know that he was once a chemist. He is a lover of healthy living and will always cherish programs like such.”

,,,Dr Shadrach Ijagbemi, head of the medical team when speaking to the press men assured that the outreach will ensure everyone in need of medical attention will be attended to as capable hands have been assembled.

He said “We have prepared for about 1,500 people to be attended to and possibly receive treatment. We have about 20 nurse, 5 laboratory technicians, 15 medical doctors and even pharmacists are all available to attend to the people today. It is a holistic programme that will ensure everyone is attended to.”


,,,,,Mrs Ademakinwa Adenike said “ We are very grateful to be receiving free drugs from the children of the king as it will help in us in our overall health”

Another beneficiary Mr Oyewole added that the program proves that the royal family is always concerned about the overall wellbeing of the community and prayed for the longevity of the monarch.

,,,,Earlier, the monarch had led his subjects to walk round the community as a means of keeping fit.

The 50th anniversary which started six days ago will last for two week to celebrate the landmark records of Oba Ashiru on the throne if his ancestors.

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